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This page is a translated version of the page Submissions and the translation is 40% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Call for submissions is closed now. Authors will be notified of paper acceptance or rejection no later than April 20, 2015. You can read and support the current submissions here.

Wikimania 2015 à Mexico sera la onzième de cette série de conférences internationales annuelles, qui fournissent une occasion unique pour la communauté Wikimedia et nos projets à venir ensemble partager leurs objectifs communs et développer de meilleures façons de travailler ensemble sur un plan international.

Que vous soyez un membre de la communauté de l'un des projets Wikimedia (tels que Wikipedia, Wikibooks, Wikidata, s: Wikisource, Wikinews, Wikimedia Commons, Wiktionnaire, MediaWiki ou autres), un créateur de contenu libre ou un consommateur, nous nous recevrons avec plaisir votre proposition pour une session lors de Wikimania 2015.

Dates importantes

  • Appel à propositions commence le : 19 janvier 2015
  • Date limite pour soumettre les propositions : 28 février 2015

Notification suite acceptation : 20 avril 2015


Il y aura plusieurs thématiques de présentations lors de Wikimania 2015 afin de regrouper les soumissions et permettre au public de trouver différentes choses en parallèle à apprécier lors de Wikimania. Même si elles peuvent évoluer, elles sont actuellement :

Les projets Wikimedia dans les pays de langue espagnole

La Wikipédia en espagnol figure parmi les 10 Wikipédias les plus visitées, en lecteurs et en contributeurs, avec des centaines de bénévoles. Au travers des différents pays de langue espagnole à travers le monde, il y a des projets et des participants enthousiastes qui travaillent pour la connaissance libre via les projets Wikimedia et autres initiatives de la culture libre. Cette partie bénéficiera d'une traduction simultanée entre l'anglais et l'espagnol.

>> Also please see Production of knowledge hosted track Call.

WikiCulture & Communauté

Beaucoup de choses se trament derrière les articles ; une énorme foule s'est à tant bien qu mal organisée pour aboutir à un entité extraordinaire. Comment cela est-ce arrivé? Comment cela fonctionne-t-il? Dans quel but ? Pouvons-nous l'améliorer?

Technologie, Interface & Infrastructure

Wikimedia is not just open content, but open source, and there are many significant changes that have happened, and are still to come.

You might like to consider attending the Hackathon, and submitting your session there, if you're looking primarily for a technical audience.

Culture libre & Légal

Making the world's content free! What does this mean? Why is it important? What projects are people working on? Have you done something great with some free content?

GLAM & Outreach

Are you working with GLAMs (galleries, archives, libraries, museums) to release some content or access their expertise?

Rayonnement Éducation

How can Wikimedia be used in Education? Can students be valuable members of the community?

Presentation lengths

Each year, we receive a large number submissions for the programme. To accommodate as many of the great presentations as possible, we strongly suggest that you limit your proposed session's length to be a maximum of 30 minutes, including time for questions. You can request additional time, which may be granted if your proposal is particularly extensive. The programme committee may offer a shorter slot than you propose if time in the schedule is tight.


By submitting a proposal, you must agree that:

If you object to these requirements (for instance, if you would prefer not to be filmed), please talk to a programme committee member before submitting a proposal.

Your proposal will be discussed and rated in public by the Programme Committee, and you will be notified through the contact information you supply of the committee's decision. If your submission is not added to the preliminary schedule, please do not be discouraged: Wikimania 2015 will have time set aside in the schedule for participants and attendees to participate in unofficial, self-organized talks and working groups. You will have many opportunities to bring topics forward on-site, as well as socializing and sharing ideas casually.

Pour la liste des propositions soumises, voir soumissions Wikimania 2015.


Authors will be notified of paper acceptance or rejection no later than April 20, 2015. If your paper is accepted and you need an invitation letter to apply for a visa to attend the conference, please contact wikimania-info@wikimedia.org as soon as possible. (Visa applications can take at least 60 working days to process.) Please identify yourself as a presenter and include your mailing address in your email.

By submitting a paper, you agree that at least one of the authors will attend the conference to present it. If the conference registration fee will pose a hardship for the presenter of the accepted paper, please contact wikimania-registration@wikimedia.org. A limited number of stipends will be available for accepted speakers who need assistance with travel and accommodation. Complete program and registration information will be available in April or May 2015 on the conference website.