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This page is a translated version of the page Meetups and the translation is 25% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Il-ijtimêgħât inedħmouhom il-delege, w ynejjmou isħirou fi ay waqt fi westħ il-confereñs, roghm innou mel mostaħsan tkoun fis-sabgħa mtêgħ il-għachiyya bech ma tkounech waqt il-prezentasiyonêt. Il-ekip mtêgħ Wikimânia bech tekhtar blasħa tsħîr fîha il-ijtimêgħât, ħasb għadad il-ijtimêgħat w għadad in-nês illi bech yaħdħrou fi kol waħda min-hom. Ynejjmou hal-ijtimêgħât tkoun liha chamber waħad·ha kima tnejjem ma tkounech liha chamber waħad·ha.

Igħaychek sħob il-ijtimêgħât illi barmejt·ha fi hal-paj!

We have more rooms if you need them.


Injîmêgħât mouch mbarmjîn

We want a special space!

If you want a dedicated room for your meetup, please fill this form.

Contact person

  • Carmen Alcázar (User:Wotancito) previous the conference for arranging the spaces and general inquiries.

See also