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OpenStreetMap mapping party

Mapping party


We will meet on Sunday at lunchtime (2pm) at place TBD. For about ~30 minutes, we will walk around the nearby area and collect some data. We will then come back to the venue and upload the data (while also eating lunch).

Part 1: Collect data

The mapping party will be in two parts. The first part is to go outside in the area nearby the venue and collect some data for OpenStreetMap.

Everyone is welcome. To take part in the mapping party, you do not need a GPS though can bring one (or smartphone) if you have one. We will mainly use field papers, which are printouts of the OSM map that we mark up with details when out walking around.

If you have a smartphone, then you may want to bring that. There are apps that work offline such as OSM Tracker or OSMAnd (with editing plugin) that may be useful.

Part 2: Entering OSM data

After collecting some data, we will spend time uploading the data to OSM, with more experienced mappers demonstrating how it’s done.


Sign up here (or just show up):

  1. Darafsh Kaviyani (Talk) 22:11, 18 July 2015 (UTC)[reply]

See also