Submissions/Wiki y género: lecciones latinoamericanas

After careful consideration, the Programme Committee has decided not to accept the below submission at this time. Thank you to the author(s) for participating in the Wikimania 2015 programme submission, we hope to still see you at Wikimania this July.

Submission no.
Title of the submission
Wiki y género: lecciones latinoamericanas
Type of submission (discussion, hot seat, panel, presentation, tutorial, workshop)
Author of the submission
Mariel García
E-mail address
Country of origin
Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)
SocialTIC A.C.
Personal homepage or blog
Abstract (at least 300 words to describe your proposal)

ESPAÑOL Para dar respuesta a la brecha de género en los proyectos de Wikimedia, han surgido distintas iniciativas en capítulos locales latinoamericanos de Wikimedia, así como en organizaciones y colectivas independientes. El propósito de esta sesión es dar un espacio formal de conversación para que wikipedistas latinoamericanas, activistas y colectivas feministas participantes en Wikimanía 2015 puedan compartir información acerca de sus iniciativas de actividades; participar en una lluvia de ideas sobre formatos y acciones potenciales, y, finalmente, intercambiar datos de contacto para coordinar esfuerzos en este sentido en toda la región.

De ser aceptada esta propuesta, la autora se encargará de buscar a asistentes al evento interesadas en el tema para asegurar su asistencia, y se asegurará de promover un ambiente de horizontalidad y participación con dinámicas y preparación previa que permitan usar el tiempo al máximo.

ENGLISH To address the gender gap in Wikimedia projects, different initiatives have been started by local Wikimedia chapters in Latin America, as well as in independent organizations and collectives. The purpose of this section is to give a formal space for conversation for Latin American wiki editors, activists and feminist collectives that participate in Wikimania 2015 to exchange information on their initiatives or activities; to participate in a brainstorming session on potential formats and actions; and, finally, exchange contact information to coordinate efforts in the region.

If this proposal is accepted, the author will make sure to find the event participants who are interested in the topic to ensure their presence, and will make sure to promote horizontal and participative dialogue through previous work and activities that can allow us to make the most of the time we have.

Wikimedia Projects in the Spanish speaking countries
Length of session (if other than 30 minutes, specify how long)
60 minutes
Will you attend Wikimania if your submission is not accepted?
Special requests
Ideally in a room where people can sit in a circle and/or move easily; where outside noise doesn't disrupt conversation

Interested attendees

If you are interested in attending this session, please sign with your username below. This will help reviewers to decide which sessions are of high interest. Sign with a hash and four tildes. (# ~~~~).

  1. Wotancito (talk) 07:14, 1 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  2. --Maferlona (talk) 16:24, 1 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  3. Psanchez820 (talk) 05:17, 2 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  4. Christian Cariño (talk) 08:07, 6 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  5. Djembayz (talk) 23:03, 15 March 2015 (UTC)[reply]
  6. Add your username here.