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This page is a translated version of the page Scholarships and the translation is 44% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.


ウィキメディアの国際的会合の第11回となるウィキマニア2015は、2015年7月15日より19日にかけ、メキシコのメキシコ・シティで催されます。「ウィキメディア財団スカラシップ・プログラム」は、人数は限られますが、ウィキマニア参加者の旅費を補助しようというものです。これは「wmf:|ウィキメディア・ファンデーション」(Wikimedia Foundation, WMF)の基金を活用したものです。



  • 補助申請は2015年1月19日(木)より受け付けます。
  • 申請の〆切は2015年2月16日(月)23:59 (UTC)です。
  • 補助受給の第一選考(Phase 1)は2015年2月の後半2週間に行われます。
  • 申請者への第一選考結果の通知は2015年3月初頭に行われます。
  • Phase 2 in-depth evaluations by the Scholarship Committee: March – April 2015
  • Applicants are notified about final decisions: During the week of April 6-12, 2015
  • The final list of recipients is announced: Mid-April 2015


ウィキ関連(on-wiki)およびウィキ関連でないもの(off-wiki)両面の経験の共有を推進することで、ウィキマニア2015を有意かつ建設的な国際会合とすること ウィキメディア中のさまざまな参加者を募ることで会合を豊かなものにする。 各々の母体集団で得たウィキマニア的経験や教訓を共有することで、ウィキ・コミュニティをより広く深いものにすること 新しい共同作業、創造、そして進歩を可能とすること



  • 往復の旅行費
  • シェアハウスの宿泊費
  • 会合の登録料

部分的な援助は現在WMFで行われていません。何が賄われ、何が賄われないかの詳細についてはFAQ をご覧ください。



過去の場合と異なり、ウィキメディア内での活動が選考の主要な評価基準となります。 その他ウィキメディア外の類似の活動、フリーソフトウェア、教育的取り組み等への貢献は、選考の参考にはなりますが、必ずしも必要とはされません。 詳しくはFAQをご覧ください。



フェーズ1 - 受給資格評価 全申請者はWMFのスタッフメンバーによって0(失格)か1(通過)の評価が下されます。この評価はフェーズ1選考基準によるものです。全申請者は、評価が完了した段階でEメールによりフェーズ1を通過できたか否かが通知されます。 フェーズ2 - 精査 フェーズ1を通過した全申請者はスカラシップ委員会により二次選考を受けます。ここでは一申請者に対し最低3人のレビュワーがつきます。各レビュワーは個別にレビュー(審査)を行い、フェーズ2選考基準に基づき最終選考に向けた得点評価を行います。

  1. Phase 3 – Final approval
    • Based on the applicant's home country, each applicant will be categorized as either a Global North or Global South applicant, with the total number of scholarships distributed between the Global North and Global South being set at 25% and 75% respectively.
    • For both Global North and Global South groups, based on the applicant's "primary language community on wiki" (self-reported in the application), applicants will be separated by the size of the active editor community on their most active Wikimedia project, as determined by the average number of active Wikimedians per month (over the time period September 2013 to September 2014). Scholarships will be allocated equally across these sub-groups, defined as follows:
      • Large language community – Average number of active Wikimedians per month is above 1000
      • Medium language community – Average number of active Wikimedians per month is below 1000 but above 100
      • Small language community – Average number of active Wikimedians per month is below 100
      • Multilingual community – Applicants whose most active Wikimedia project is Commons, Species, Data, Incubator, MediaWiki or Tool Labs (where "most active project" is self-reported on the application) will be placed into this category, as language communities aren't as relevant.
    • The WMF will determine the total budget available and make estimations on per-applicant costs (for example, someone attending Wikimania 2015 from South Africa will require different levels of financial assistance than someone attending from Panama). Top scoring Phase 2 applicants in each sub-group will be awarded a scholarship.
      • For applicants within 10% of the "cutoff", preference will be first given to the non-male applicant, and secondary preference to applicants from Latin America.
        • The "cutoff" will be the score associated with the last scholarship awarded in each sub-group
      • Unused scholarships being reallocated through the following process:
        • A minimum score will be determined for each sub-group (different for each sub-group), below which applicants will not be considered for final selection. In the event of insufficient applicants with a high-enough score in a particular sub-group, unused scholarships will be equally reallocated to the other sub-groups.
        • In the event where there are insufficient applicants with a high-enough score across all sub-groups, unused scholarships will be reallocated to other group (and distributed equally among sub-groups).

Following the completion of Phase 3, a decision will be issued by e-mail to all remaining applicants as to whether their application has been successful or unsuccessful. Those with a successful application will be given the opportunity to confirm their attendance at Wikimania 2015 and their acceptance of the awarded scholarship. A few applicants will be placed on a waiting list; these applications may be awarded a scholarship at a later date depending on the acceptance rate of successful applicants and whether resource use by scholarship recipients is as estimated.




  1. 2014年の参加費用補助受給者のうち、去年の宿題 (post-conference report)を終えていない者。
  2. 申請において、その大部分または全てが的外れな回答や悪意で構成されている場合。
  3. 申請フォームにおいて、回答に対する十分な努力が認められなかった者。
  4. 十分な英語能力を示せなかった者。会合は主に英語で行われるため。これは申請以外の部分も評価対象となる。
  5. ウィキメディアに対し、十分な貢献や活動が認められなかった者。
    • 「ウィキメディアに対する十分な貢献や活動」の例として、次のものが挙げられます。
      • ウィキメディア・プロジェクト(ウィキペディア、コモンズ、ウィキソースなど)において、最低でも50回の貢献(編集履歴)
      • Mediawiki code contributor, gadget or other tool-builder for Wikimedia projects
      • Involvement in some form of Wikimedia organization (chapter, thematic organization or user group)
      • Wikimedia CheckUser, Admin, Bureaucrat, Steward or OTRS volunteer (current or former)
      • Wikimedia Foundation Grantee
      • Wikimedia Researcher
      • Participant in a Wikimedia program (e.g. GLAM partnership or education program)
      • Participant in Wikimedia organized events (e.g. photographer contributing to Wiki Loves Monuments (WLM), workshop attendee)
      • Organizer of Wikimedia events (e.g. WLM, edit-a-thons)

Applications for which no failing criteria apply will pass into Phase 2 for further evaluation.




Activity within Wikimedia projects or organizations (chapters, thematic organizations, and user groups) indicates that an applicant will add value to Wikimania through the experiences and knowledge they have gained from contributing. Applicants are encouraged to write about both their online and offline experiences within their applications.

An applicant's activities will be evaluated along the following three dimensions:

  1. Collaboration – The degree of collaboration with other individuals or organizations in order to execute activities
  2. Impact – Online or offline results due to Wikimedia activities, described either quantitatively or qualitatively
  3. Community leadership – Role(s) played and scope of activities within the Wikimedia movement, e.g. members who serve on committees or project leaders

To assist applicants, the following examples of "Impact" have been provided. However, applicants should feel free to provide examples beyond what is included below:

Online Impact Offline Impact
  • Increased awareness on the importance of reliable sources
  • Increased/Improved skills of on-wiki contributors (e.g organized editing workshops)
  • Made it easier for readers and new/experienced editors to engage (e.g. created or participated in on-wiki mentoring spaces)
  • Improved the ability for editors to be more productive on-wiki (e.g. improved or created new MediaWiki features)
  • Increased awareness about the Wikimedia projects through off-wiki channels (e.g. posted articles in blogs or newspapers, or gave a presentation at non-Wikimedia conferences)
  • Improved the public perception of Wikimedia as a source of reliable information (e.g. gave a talk about Wikipedia processes and policies that ensure reliability)
  • Improved gender, language, or geographic diversity off-wiki (e.g. organized an event targeted at raising awareness for under-represented groups or languages)
  • Increased/Improved skills of off-wiki volunteers (e.g. organized an event where volunteers gained knowledge on policy advocacy or event organization)
  • Identified/Addressed content or category gaps (e.g. number of new/improved articles in underdeveloped or missing categories)
  • Made reliable sources available to editors (e.g. gained and shared access to previously locked sources)
  • Increased access to Wikimedia by creating/improving a product that addresses access (e.g. Improved QR codes or Kiwix to support offline Wikipedia)
  • New editors (e.g. new editors due to organizing an editing workshop)
  • For events organized, number of participants that attended a Wikimedia event you organized (e.g. for organizers of photo contests, the number of contest participants)
  • For Wikimedia programs you are involved in, the number of participants or volunteers supported  (e.g. for Wikipedia Education Program campus ambassadors, the number of students supported in a semester)


他のコミュニティの情報や経験を共有する能力は、補助受給者がウィキマニアで学んだ経験を持ち帰り、各々のウィキコミュニティ、ひいてはその母国を豊かにする(エンリッチ)上で不可欠なものです。 申請者はこの能力を持っていることを、例を挙げたり文章で表現することで示しましょう。この例として、ウィキ上のレポートやブログの投稿、あるいはプレゼンレーションやディスカッションのような形で何を経験したのか話題にするようなことが挙げられます。




To apply for a scholarship to attend Wikimania 2015 in Mexico City, please submit a completed application form by 16 February 2015 23:59 UTC. It is highly recommended that applicants review all the material on this page and in the FAQ before submitting an application.

 Scholarships offered by Wikimedia organizations

The WMF is not the only organization offering scholarships for Wikimania 2015; other Wikimedia organizations such as chapters and thematic organizations may also be offering their own scholarships.

The following Wikimedia organizations will collect scholarship applications from those submitted to the Wikimedia Foundation Scholarships Program – there will be no need for applicants to submit a separate application to the Wikimedia organization listed below.

  • Wikimedia Hungary

The following Wikimedia organizations will offer scholarships, but will not make use of applications to the Wikimedia Foundation Scholarships Program. Wikimedians who are interested in receiving a scholarship from them, are invited to apply to the Wikimedia organization directly.