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Wikimedia Mexico

Wikimedia Mexico
It's simple: We are organizing and hosting this Wikimania

Wikimedia Mexico, is happy to receive you and the whole community in our beautiful country. We give you a warm welcome

Our chapter was recognized as Wikimedia affiliate in 2011 during Wikimania in Haifa. So, to celebrate Wikimania is, at the same time, to celebrate our existence as chapter.


Organizing team
See also Conference organizers

Board members and volunteers that took on the challenge of organizing this event. They deserve the spotlight and our gratitude. If you are happy and you see them say "Great work!"


Iván Martínez Carmen Alcazar Salvador Alcántar Pepe Flores Alan Lazalde
Chair of the Board
Board member
Board member
@ProtoplasmaKid @Metik @Salvador_alc @padaguan @alanlzd

Our volunteers

Thanks to all the people that volunteer to give a hand during this Wikimania. You rule!

Talks and conferences
Who What Where What time
Friday 17th
Iván Martínez Opening Ceremony 9:00 - 9:15 Auditorium
Iván Martínez
Omar Sandoval
Carmen Alcázar
Christian Cariño
Andrés Cruz y Corro
Talk: De una reunión de amigos a la reunión anual del movimiento Wikimedia 14:00 - 14:15 Don Alberto 2
Salvador Alcántar Talk: El movimiento Wikimedia en Latinoamérica. Estado de la Wiki. 17:00 - 17:15 Don Alberto 2
Saturday 18th
Paulina Sanchez Talk: The gender gap in Wikipedia: What are we doing in Mexico? 9:00 - 9:30 Don Alberto 2
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