Submissions/El poder de Wikisource
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After careful consideration, the Programme Committee has decided not to accept the below submission at this time. Thank you to the author(s) for participating in the Wikimania 2015 programme submission, we hope to still see you at Wikimania this July. |
- Submission no.
- 1002
- Title of the submission
El Poder de Wikisource / The Power of Wikisource
- Type of submission (discussion, hot seat, panel, presentation, tutorial, workshop)
- Author of the submission
Eduardo Testart
- E-mail address
- Username
- Country of origin
- Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc.)
Wikimedia Chile
- Personal homepage or blog
- Abstract (at least 300 words to describe your proposal)
El poder de Wikisource, busca a través de una presentación con ejemplos prácticos, mostrar el proceso para conseguir e implementar proyectos en Wikisource (uno de los proyectos de la Fundación Wikimedia), y la importancia de contar con fuentes primarias modernas, que permitan nutrir a Wikipedia de contenido cotejable y veraz. Wikisource es un proyecto que si no es alimentado constantemente con contenido, no puede crecer, por lo que requiere de un trabajo continuo de promoción dentro del contexto GLAM (Galerías, Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos), que es la fuente desde donde mayormente se pueden conseguir contenidos. Se presentarán de modo práctico los proyectos «Discursos Oficiales de Salvador Allende» y «Nacimiento y Defunción de los Gobernantes de Chile». En el primero se dará cuenta del trabajo con la Fundación Salvador Allende, y como un «agente de cambio», permite construir nuevos paradigmas de acceso a la información; y en el segundo caso, como se pueden utilizar las redes oficiales de acceso a la información pública existentes en Chile, para conseguir material y así liberarlo, además, para este último proyecto, se dará cuenta de la colaboración desarrollada entre Wikimedia Deutschland y Wikimedia Chile, la que permitió conseguir información existente en Alemania, que resultaba pertinente para el segundo proyecto y no era posible de conseguir en Chile.
The power of Wikisource, through a presentation with practical examples, it aims to show the process to achieve and implement projects in Wikisource (one of the projects of the Wikimedia Foundation), and the importance of being able to access modern primary sources, that allow to nurture Wikipedia with verifiable and accurate content. Wikisource is a project that if it is not constantly fed with content, it cannot grow, so it requires ongoing outreach work within the GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) context, which is the source from which most of the content can be acquired. Projects "Official Speeches of Salvador Allende" and "Birth and Death of the Seating Rulers of Chile" will be presented in a practical way. In the first case, the work with the Salvador Allende Foundation will be presented, and how an "agent of change" allows the construction of new paradigms of access to information; and in the second case, how thw usage of official networks of access to public information in Chile, to acquire material and thus release it, also, for the second project, it will be shown the collaboration between Wikimedia Deutschland and Wikimedia Chile, which allowed to get information existing in Germany, which was relevant for the second project an d unable to be found in Chile.
- Track
- Wikimedia Projects in the Spanish speaking countries
- Length of session (if other than 30 minutes, specify how long)
- 30 minutes
- Will you attend Wikimania if your submission is not accepted?
I will apply for the scolarship. If get the scolarship, I will attent even if my submission is not accepted.
- Slides or further information (optional)
- Special requests
Interested attendees
If you are interested in attending this session, please sign with your username below. This will help reviewers to decide which sessions are of high interest. Sign with a hash and four tildes. (# ~~~~).
- --Pineapples100 (talk) 20:24, 12 February 2015 (UTC)
- petrohs (gracias) 07:35, 22 February 2015 (UTC)
- Yakoo (talk) 23:16, 28 February 2015 (UTC)
- Wotancito (talk) 07:02, 1 March 2015 (UTC)
- Add your username here.