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This page is a translated version of the page Registration and the translation is 15% complete.

ვიკიმანია 2015-ის რეგისტრაცია დაიწყო

Note: If you are a WMF-sponsored attendee (e.g., WMF Staff, Board, Scholarship Recipient), please do NOT register until you are contacted by the WMF staff with instructions. Also, registration for pre-conference events (except for the Hackathon) will be done on the conference wiki.

Note: If you are a registered Wikimania 2015 volunteer, this is NOT your registration form. Please await instructions

*NEW* Day Passes

Register Here for a day pass for $200 MXN,

This will allow you access to all of the conference sessions and hackathon.

Wednesday and Thursday tickets are available via the website, on Friday you will be able to pay on site with cash.

(Lunch and evening events not included)

The Three Day Conference Registration includes:

  • Badge
  • Admission to all sessions that you are attending (conference, hackathon)
  • Lunch and refreshments during the breaks on the conference and hackathon days
  • Admission to 2 conference receptions and closing party
  • Wireless connectivity in conference session area
  • Conference backpack, program, and t-shirt

Payment must be made online with either directly with credit/debit card or PayPal (which you can also use credit/debit card). You can pay in Mexican Pesos or US Dollars. There are three methods of paying as follows:

For anyone who wishes to pay in USD via Paypal AND for any WMF Scholarships, WMF Staff and any Chapter members with promotional codes, please go to:

For anyone wishing to pay in USD but not via Paypal Payment Processing:

For anyone wishing to pay in MXN via Paypal:

When you're registered, add yourself to the Attendees, so people will know you are attending and contact you during the conference.